Thursday, July 20, 2006

...¨The risk is in the international sphere. A president’s sense and prerogatives are such and the net of military, economic and technological power of that State is so huge that under circumstances against North American people’s will, the world has just started been rule by Nazi methods and conceptions. ¨.....
Fidel Castro Ruz

Cuba is among the highest level life quality countries.

April 28th. Today Cuba is one the countries with highest indexes life quality, in a report disclosed in New York as part of a campaign in favor of the goals of the development of the United Nations for the millennium. With a score of 98 of a maximum of 99, factors like the nutritional security, morbidity and mortality, reproductive health, water and health, education, information, science and technology are taken into account.
The public cost for social aims, the gender equality and its economic activity and potentialities are considered representative. In most of the topics the Cuban Island deserved a prize over the acceptable average of profits in the world.
Under the title "Social Observation 2004", the careful study registers the progress and the weakening in the attempts to exterminate the poverty and the generic fairness, and the promise done during a summit of the UN in 1995 and reaffirmed in another one in 2000.
The research indicates that the necessary increase of the treatment to the poor world has been little and very slow, while the system of international trade is against most of nations that live in poverty.

¨No present day problem of the world can be solved by using force.¨
Fragment of the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz on September 11th, 2001, the day of the tragic facts in United States.